Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Quick and Easy Baby Solutions #1

What do you do when there is a sudden cold snap and all of your babies long sleeve clothes are dirty?
You create BabyArms!

Take two baby socks...
...cut a hole in the toes...
...and slide the cut ends onto baby's arms.
A quick and easy solution to keep baby's arms warm while the wash finishes.

Besides keeping baby's arms warm, they also looked like cute baby thermals.

The little man didn't seem to mind his BabyArms, as long as he was staying warm.


  1. You are ingenious! Such an obvious solution, but I never would have thought of it.

    He's so cute...I just have to smile.

  2. so cute. you could market these. seriously!

  3. All I have to say is, War Eagle! And, cute idea, too :-)
